Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, April 8, 2023
Get Ready for the Event!
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy of April 5, 2023
Beloved My bride, here I come to you, I come to announce the warning shortly.
Centuries have passed since My First Coming: the world is not waiting for Me in this My Second Coming, but, "suddenly"... It will see Me, be bewildered and be very afraid.
My children,
oh you who have not waited for Me,
oh you who have repudiated Me to go with Satan,
oh you who have had no love either for Me or for My Mother,
Verily I say unto you, now is the time of My Justice!
The shining light of My Love will dazzle mankind: ... they will tear to the ground in fright.
My children:
only I am the Steady Point!
Do not turn away from Me lest you be shrouded in darkness.
My children,
strong earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, they will sweep away many countries. The world will be enveloped by great catastrophes that man cannot stop, then they will understand that only God has the power to stop everything, because only He IS !!! Beloved one, I God, today I reveal to you My plan of intervention.
Here I am to you O faithless men here I am to you, Judah! Here am I, I come to make right what you have destroyed and sold to Satan. Here I am to you, O faithless men, you who have delighted in the destruction of this Humanity
and of your Planet; the weapons you use against your brethren today will fall upon you, you will be tortured forever because, I God, I will permit this. Yes! You will come to the end you have marked for yourselves by preferring Satan to Me. The Vatican is already surrounded by enemies: they are waiting for the traitors to open "their" doors because Satan is directing the ranks; his plan has been to destroy every Sacred Thing.
His hold is strong;
the Priests have succumbed to its seductions,
they have not been good guardians in defense of the temple, they have not protected God's holy Doctrine, rather, they have cooperated so that it would be replaced with the rules of the Antichrist. Jesus still fights against Satan today to free His Children.
Pray oh all you who love the Redeemer, give Him honor and glory.
He, today, returns to deliver His faithful People; ...
returns for all those who have loved, served, worshipped and followed Him according to His holy Directives.
Divine Justice will thunder loudly!
The end of sin is before you My children!
I am coming to cleanse every vile being, I will cleanse man of sin, I will lift him up from the mire of death, ... I will raise him up to new life in Me, if he will acknowledge himself as a "sinner" ...
and he will ask Me for forgiveness with true repentance of heart. Faithful ones of your Lord Jesus Christ:
raise your banner, your great faith in Me, that the world may believe! God is in you! In this event He will absorb you into Himself. Prepare for the Event! Everything is already arranged by Heaven! Victoria est!
Christus Vincit!
Christus Regnat!
Christus Imperat! Amen.
Source: ➥